'It Ends with Us' Cast Test How Well They Know Each Other
Released on 08/12/2024
If I was being roasted, who would I want to host?
Damn. Oh.
I can't stand a roast.
I hate them.
I wish that everyone would stop doing them.
I don't understand it.
I think it's so mean. Jenny's so sweet.
I don't wanna even talk about it.
Okay, Jenny's opted out.
One point for her opting out of cruelty.
[lively music]
We're the cast of It Ends With Us.
And today we are testing how well we know each other
with Vanity Fair.
I guess I go first. [lively music]
And what item have I taken from set?
Pants. Teapot.
I'm saying flowers as well. [Blake laughing]
What if it just said, teapot.
Close is too vague.
You have to say the article.
Isabela, you gotta guess?
Mm, a vase. Specifically boots.
Brandon knows me the best, you guys, unfortunately.
I usually loan my stuff to set.
And those were my boots. [bell dings]
Okay, what's my ideal day off?
With your family, your children.
Like I feel like we're all gonna
get pieces of it. We'll say the same thing.
Yeah. Yeah, I would say,
maybe like baking some stuff
and hanging with the kids and your guy.
Family with your family in the big bed.
In the Shaquille O'Neal bed that you have, yeah.
Yeah, like-
And you guys are watching a movie.
Yeah, maybe a classic movie.
Ooh. You know?
You're watching The Proposal again.
You're watching Van Wilder.
I've never seen it.
A big family get together like that?
I think everybody just took my answer and ran with it.
I feel like Isabela won this round
because it is at home at a farm
cooking and eating and being with my family.
So you get all the points for that.
I win?
I'm gonna give you a quarter of a point.
Oh my gosh.
Because you thought of something that I didn't think of,
which is watching an old timey movie.
Yeah, that's a good one.
And you get half a point for the baking.
Oh my God. [bell dinging]
You're gonna have to do so much math.
Okay, aside from cooking,
what's my favorite creative hobby?
Oh, I don't know.
I feel like you love design, but that's really general.
But I feel like you like home design.
DIY interior home.
So intense to look at me while you write that down.
Or flowers.
Now it's gonna be an eighth of a point.
Like florist stuff.
I'd say like fashion, yeah. Fashion.
Finding new ways to express yourself.
Deciphering ancient scrolls.
I don't know.
Sometimes you have to take, like, a really big swing.
Finding the Declaration of Independence.
Signing or Finding? Finding.
Oh my gosh, National Treasure
is my favorite movie of all time.
It's a perfect film.
National Treasure? Yes!
It's like the best. It is a great movie.
No, it's a perfect film.
National Treasure is a great...
And National Treasure 2 is great too.
Okay, so design.
Like home design. Oh, yeah man.
[bell dings] Yes.
What video game have I competed in tournaments for?
Whoa. I don't know.
I don't know. And won, by the way.
Mario Kart. Darn it.
That's the only one I know.
Super Smash Bros?
That was gonna be my second option.
I wanna say Mortal Comment, but I know it's not.
No, but it'd be so good.
Wii Sports?
I think Super Smash Brothers, yeah.
Or Mario Kart.
I'm in the same boat.
Brandon or Alex should guess this one.
Call of Duty?
[scoffs] What?
Wait, what?
What have you guys done together?
Guitar Hero! Guitar Hero!
Yes, oh my God!
Guitar Hero. This is so exciting!
She gets two points for that one 'cause of her enthusiasm.
[lively music]
If I picked one curse word to say for the rest of my life,
what would it be?
Motherfucker? Wow.
It seemed like you were writing for a while, yeah.
Oh yeah, I should have waited.
I'm also gonna go motherfucker.
I don't really hear you swear ever.
Like all it's going through my head
is cotton-headed ninny-muggins,
which I know is not something you say.
No, I've not ever said that. No.
Alex? Asshole.
Whoa, I've totally...
Honestly, totally forgot about asshole.
[all laughing]
Well, it's actually shit. [bell dinging]
And you know what I did to try to throw you off?
I made a little squiggle.
[All] Oh.
That's what messed me up
'cause I knew it wasn't four letters.
She's a sneak.
You really fooled us.
What is number one on my bucket list?
'Cause as we all know, I'm 90 and soon I'll die.
You wanna build a pool at your house.
Oh, I forgot about that.
Darn it. That's true.
[all laughing] Wait, wait, wait.
She knows me better than I know myself.
Go skydiving.
Visit Antarctica.
Oh, interesting.
And find the Spear of Destiny.
A safari.
Safari. Yeah.
But in fact it is...
I would like to know how to make a really good croissant.
[buzzer buzzes] Ooh, that's a good one.
Really? Yeah, make a croissant.
Laminating the dough is tricky.
Yeah, like Meryl Streep in It's Complicated.
I actually really feel like that's what I would like.
That's nice.
What would I order for my last meal?
There's a lot about end of life stuff here.
Like I just... [Blake giggles]
Jenny is 108 years old. Yeah, I'm a skeleton.
I feel like a delicious pie that you made with loved ones.
And then you put in your Amish pie basket.
And then you open it up and it's like very like ceremonious
and you like pull it out and it's like wrapped in a little-
And you return to your home
in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Bag.
This is 'cause I've talked to you a lot about
the pie basket that I got from my mother-in-law.
[Blake] Yeah.
It's like a giant chocolate croissant?
A loaded pizza.
Loaded pizza. Supreme pizza.
I'm gonna say macaroni and cheese.
[Jenny] Okay, we got mac and cheese.
We got a beautiful pie. If dairy's on the table,
mac and cheese. From a basket.
A beautiful pie in a basket- Made by family.
That I made with my loved ones.
Classic, like, a spaghetti dish or something.
The answer is in fact, buffalo chicken fingers,
[buzzer buzzes]
with some blue cheese to dip on in there.
And don't skimp on the buffalo sauce.
Wow. Wow.
[Jenny] My mouth filled with saliva [laughing].
[lively music]
What state was I born in?
New Jersey.
Yeah, you're from New Jersey.
Oh yeah, you're from New Jersey.
They put it on there, yeah.
Everyone gets a point.
He has a New Jersey tattoo.
Right. This is like, not a-
You kinda gave it away.
[Blake] Show your fun tattoo [laughing].
There it is.
How many people have a Jersey tattoo?
A lot of people.
Who's a musical hero of mine?
Oh no, there's a guy.
No, but are they emo?
Wait, are they emo?
I was gonna say that.
I was like, who's the guy with the song that-
There's a better one,
but I'm just gonna say Kris Kristofferson
even though I know that there's more.
We're both saying Stevie Ray Vaughan.
Johnny Cash.
I'd say Blake gets a point.
Kris Kristofferson. [bell dings]
Yeah. Okay.
What's the most similar trait I have to Atlas?
That you don't move your face.
[Isabela chuckles] Yeah.
And I think you have the same face.
And like when you emote, you don't say words.
Blake is saying when you act,
it's like you're having a stroke.
We call that nuance.
I say you're good....
You're good in the kitchen.
[Alex] Yeah, that's what I was gonna say.
So I don't dunno about that. Okay.
[Brandon and Hasan laughing]
I was like, Okay, I got that wrong.
I mean, you did talk about preserving a steak
by sinking it in a river with a rock to cold-
You gotta keep it cold if you're camping, yeah.
High moral standards.
Yeah. High moral standards?
I was gonna say a sense of honor.
At times, yeah.
Yeah, integrity. Yeah.
That's nice. A sense of honor.
Isabel gets a point.
Protective nature. [bell dings]
[lively music]
What am I most easily annoyed by?
Loud eaters.
I was gonna say noise.
I would say if like people like wax on about something
that they have no idea what they're talking about,
and they're like intuiting facts as they're saying them.
I feel like that would be deeply upsetting to you
'cause you're like a human Wikipedia.
Yeah, I was gonna say,
I don't think you like bullshitters.
Yeah, that's a more concise way to say that.
But I'm just using my favorite phrase.
I would say like bad debaters,
like people who don't... Oh yeah.
I would say like, yeah, someone who like over explains
or like is just like thinking that they are smarter than you
and are trying to explain something to you.
Okay, you guys are all right.
That's five points.
But the correct answer is
adults who are really into fruit candy.
Fruit candy? [bell dings]
What's fruit candy?
Okay, I have a friend who's in his early 40s
and he straight up bought a whole box of Sour Patch Kids.
And I'm like, This is insane.
That's insane.
Okay, the bigger issue is the palate.
I have a 6-year-old daughter
and it would be the equivalent of her being like,
I really love dark chocolate.
[Jenny laughing]
What's my favorite reality show?
Ooh. Hmm.
I think I've heard you say this before.
Think outside the box. Okay, okay, okay.
This answer, think outside the box.
I'm just gonna go crazy.
Legends of the Hidden Temple.
Things got crazy.
That's a great guest. I know it's a good show.
I want points for you not thinking of that.
Survivor. House Hunters.
One of the home remodeling shows.
One of them?
You can't pick a channel.
I don't, oh.
Like The Property Brothers?
Like flip the...
Yeah, where you like...
Yeah, you flip it and then you-
Flip the house?
Property Brothers. Yeah, those are good.
I can't think of the one I'm trying to say.
You would be on this show. Love Island?
Brandon, you would be on this show.
Oh. And I have two answers.
Ninja Warrior? Jersey Shore!
Here's the answers.
It's either Naked and Afraid.
Oh, I love that show.
Or the New York City Subway.
[buzzer buzzes]
Oh. Oh, yeah.
Best reality show on planet.
The New York City subway?
Reality is crazier than fiction.
Which one is Brandon on?
Naked and Afraid.
Naked and Afraid, absolutely.
I feel like you would totally...
I would love to be on Naked and Afraid.
Who is my dream celebrity dinner guest?
Alive or dead?
Or just alive?
They're alive. There's no fossils.
No fossils.
Would anybody here know him?
Like everyone would know who they are here?
Yeah, yeah.
Guy Fieri.
That's a great... Guy Fieri.
In that vein.
I mean, I wanted to guess Martha Stewart [mumbling].
I wanted to give y'all an opportunity to succeed.
So I said Kim Jong Un, Steven Seagal,
Elmo, Dennis Rodman. [buzzer buzzes]
Vanity Fair, I promise you,
y'all haven't gotten answers like this.
I promise you.
If I was being roasted, who would I want to host?
Damn. Oh.
I can't stand a roast.
I don't know why anyone would wanna get made fun of.
I hate them.
I wish that everyone would stop doing them.
I don't understand it.
I think it's so mean.
I don't wanna even talk about it.
Jenny's opted out.
One point for her opting out of cruelty.
Boo! [bell dings]
So on my wedding day...
It was my dad. Okay.
My dad, yeah. Okay.
Yeah, Najme Minhaj.
He roasted me really bad because he just said facts.
When Hasan was in the eighth grade,
we rented a horror movie, 'Blair Witch Project.'
And he started crying.
And I was like, I did cry.
Was he meaning to roast you? Yeah.
He was just saying facts. He was just being mean.
Yeah, and he was just being dead serious.
He was like, He got into law school but he didn't go.
He just started naming real facts from my life.
I'm into roasts again after this.
[lively music]
What's my dog's name?
Yeah, Jasper.
And then what else was the other question?
And what's his breed?
Oh, he's like a golden situation.
Golden doodle. Golden doodle.
Teapot. With a mix of wolfhound.
Teapot, yeah, he's a golden teapot.
[all laughing]
Okay, yeah.
I mean, you guys got it.
No, no, no.
Isabela got it.
I mean she got it first.
We all get a point, yeah.
Yeah, no, I know.
But I did say golden situation.
Golden situation. Golden situation?
And Jasper, so I feel like that's a one point-
Jasper is a golden situation, yeah.
One and a half for golden situation and Jasper.
And she gets three 'cause she got name and multi-breed.
I get three points. [bell dings]
Are you keeping up with these points?
I like that.
What actor bought me pie after I booked an audition?
Oh, that's so sweet. Is it a drama?
Was it a drama?
It was like, yeah, a drama.
A drama. Like period.
Dame Helen Mirren? Yeah.
[all chuckling]
That's good.
It would be so cool. That's a good one.
Harrison Ford.
Yeah, Harrison Ford seems like it.
Rowan Atkinson. [Blake chuckles]
It is Meg Ryan. Yep, nailed it.
Shut up. I love this game.
[bell dings] I love all your answers.
What an honor.
Where's my favorite place that I've surfed?
I'm just gonna say Hermosa Beach because it's your...
Home is where the heart is.
There's no place like home.
Hermosa Beach, Hermosa Beach.
You guys know me.
Click your heels to get home.
Let's go. New Hampshire.
What are you gonna say?
I'm gonna say Hawaii.
Yeah, it's Hawaii, but Hermosa as well, so-
North Shore? North Shore, 100%
South Shore.
Everybody gets a point.
No, I don't.
I said New Hampshire and I know it.
But I know I'm not gonna win,
so at this point I'm just going crazy.
[bell dings]
I like New Hampshire though.
[lively music]
If I had the chance, who would I play in a biopic?
Oh God. Blake Lively.
Blake Lively.
You've already played young Blake Lively.
Can you imagine? Oh, biopic.
I already did that.
That's what we're doing.
Olivia Newton-John.
Your grandmother, Audrey Hepburn.
Queen Elizabeth I. Close.
Katharine Hepburn.
That's what I was gonna say. Rosemary Clooney.
It's so close.
Grace Kelly. [buzzer buzzes]
Oh! Grace Kelly.
Yeah, yeah, good.
Good, good, good.
Damn, that's a good one.
What was the first drink I had when I turned 21?
[Jenny sighs]
Peach Schnapps. Malibu.
Malibu, Malibu Rum.
That was my first, that's why I said that.
Milk. Jagermeister.
Lemon drop, lemon drop.
Milkshake. Shots of Malibu.
I was in Berlin, Germany when I had this.
It's a spirit mixed with something.
What? Jager bomb!
[all laughing]
I wanna give you to a point because I...
Jager bomb and what did you say?
Peach Schnapps.
Schnapps is really close.
It was a vodka mate. Ah.
So mate is like a fizzy tea drink.
Okay. That's unexpected.
And you mix vodka with it.
I never would've... I was at the club.
That's fancy.
Which cast member would I want to be my stylist?
Blake Lively. Blake.
Blake. Blake Lively.
Everybody gets a point. [bell dings]
Yeah, wow.
Do we do it?
[All] Yeah!
[all applauding]
Bring home the gold! Oh my gosh.
Thank you so much, Vanity Fair, for having us.
And please make sure you check out the movie
in August in theaters.
It Ends With Us.
Yes! [lively music]
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